
January, 23 2024

Dear Parents and Families,
I hope you are having a great start to the new year. After consulting with the finance council, we have established tuition rates for Saint Timothy’s Catholic School for the 2024-2025 academic year. We are also making some minor modifications to the tuition structure this year. The rate of tuition for the first child will be $3,700. $3,600 for the second, $2,200 for the third, and $300 for every child thereafter. The base tuition rate of $3,700 is by far the lowest rate of tuition of any Catholic elementary school in Wright County. I have included a quick look at the tuition rates of area schools based on the most recent information available:

Mary Queen of Peace, Rogers $4,325
St. Michael, St. Michael $4,600
St. Francis-Xavier, Buffalo $4,300
St. Maximilian Kolbe, Delano $4,900
St. Timothy, Maple Lake $3,700

As you can see, Saint Timothy’s continues to be an excellent value. Your tuition allows us to continue to provide a great Catholic education for your children. Since technology has become an essential part of education and a great strength of Saint Timothy’s, we will continue to charge a technology fee. Saint Timothy’s strives to be a leader in technology which will prepare our students for the future. The technology fee will be $50 per child with a limit of $150 per family for grades K-4. Our 5th – 8th grade students will have a $100 per child technology fee, which includes insurance.

The tuition represents only a portion of the actual cost to educate each child. The entire parish supports the school through a generous subsidy each year, subsidizing over 30% of the actual cost of educating your child. The remainder is paid through your hard work and the parish’s generosity in fundraising. Therefore, each registered family is also expected to contribute regularly to the Church, according to their ability.

As always, any families that wish to have their children attend the school but have financial difficulties may apply for tuition assistance through the Father McGlauchlin Scholarship Fund. Please note that no parish family will be placed in a position where their children cannot attend our school because of financial difficulty. Please consider applying for this fund, if you are in need. It is designed so that all families are able to provide their children with a Catholic education.

The Church of Saint Timothy can be proud of the fine Catholic school that is available to our families. Through the generosity and commitment of Saint Timothy’s parishioners of all ages, the tradition of an exceptional spiritual and academic formation continues with our excellent staff and supportive parents. Thank you for choosing to send your children to Saint Timothy’s Catholic School and for your continued support.

Sincerely in Christ,

Father John Meyer


Tuition Prices

2024-2025 Tuition Prices


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