Sycamore Parent Portal

For St. Timothy’s School we utilize the Sycamore School Management system.  Through Sycamore, parents are able to view their child’s grades, schedule conferences, and make payments.  Each family is given a unique log-in when they begin at our school.  If you need help accessing your account please contact the school office for assistance.



We encourage parents to use our online payment option through Sycamore! On Sycamore you can pay your tuition, fees, childcare, or deposit money into your lunch account or student activities account. If you already have a TADS account set up to pay your tuition, you do not need to pay tuition through Sycamore. Remember that with TADS, payments are automatic withdrawal, with Sycamore, you have to initiate each payment. If you use TADS for tuition, you can still use Sycamore for other payments. Paying online with Sycamore is a great option, and very easy to use once your payment method is set up.



Parents can check their children’s grades by logging on to their parent account, and then hover the cursor over their child’s pictures and select grades.  You can also find Documents of past report cards, as well as your child’s attendance records.


Parent Teacher Conferences

When we have Parent Teacher Conferences, you can schedule your conference time on Sycamore.  On the front page, there is a section titled Parent Teacher Conferences.  Under that you can click “Check your schedule”

Choose the date and the student.  If the date has been locked you will see a red ‘No Dates Available’ message at the top.  If you don’t see that, then you can click on the time frame box for a specific teacher and schedule your appointment.  Once you confirm the time, you will need to contact the school if you need to change it.


You can access Sycamore by going to


You can find payment instructions here!

Raffle Winners Announced! View the full list of winners for St. Timothy's Spring Auction Rafflehere!